Goal of Title 1
The goal for Title I students is the same for all other students. All students should strive to be proficient or above proficient for their grade level in all areas. If a student is not proficient in the areas of reading or math, the goal is to provide extra support in the Title I program.
Selection Process
Students are selected for Title I services by first reviewing the FAST assessment results and Iowa Assessment reading and math scores to identify those who are below benchmark. Another measure for selecting students for Title I services is the students’ MAP scores for both reading and math. Title I teachers then meet with the classroom teachers to discuss assessment scores, classroom performance, parental concerns, and other alternative testing to select students for Title I assistance. During the school year, students are continually assessed for progress in math and/or reading in the classroom and Title I room. The district is currently serving kindergarten through 2nd grade students.
Scheduling Title 1 Classes
The Title I students are usually scheduled for Title I instruction during non-instructional time in the classroom. Title I students are not scheduled during special classes such as music, art, P.E., or recess.
Meeting the Goal
The Title I student is evaluated by using data to determine areas of strengths and weaknesses. A plan is then devised to help the student become proficient. If the student has met the criteria, the student will exit the program. If the student does not meet the criteria, a plan of instruction will be developed to assist the student in becoming proficient in the areas of concern. The student will continue to receive Title I assistance.
Parent Involvement
As a parent, you are part of the Title I program. Often, parents influence their child’s education more than the school. By being involved, a parent can show their child how important they are, how important education is, and that we are working together as a team to help the child succeed.
Parents can show a love of learning by setting a good example (read newspapers and books, write letters, grocery lists, a diary, etc., use math to prepare budgets and compare prices), make learning fun (games and trips), take advantage of resources (libraries and school), read to your child, ask your child to read to you, and limit screen time. Parents should also show an interest in their child’s day and encourage good study habits.
For students to be the most successful, parents need to be involved in their child’s school. Some suggested ways are: attend school events, visit classrooms, join parent organizations, attend parent-teacher conferences, attend Title I meetings and request additional meetings if needed, and keep teachers informed of events that might affect your child’s work or behavior.
For more information please contact:
Andrea Fair: Title 1 Interventionist